Irrigation systems utilize valves, tubes, pumps, and sprays to evenly circulate water throughout your yard, providing year-round moisture and nourishment to your landscaping. Regular maintenance and timely repairs will allow you to enjoy your property’s vegetation during even the driest times of the year.
It’s important to be aware of the earliest signs of an irrigation system in disrepair so that you can address the issue while it’s minor. Here are three warning signs you might notice when irrigation repair is needed:
- Increased water bills: One of the clearest signs of an irrigation system in disrepair is a notable hike in your water bills. If you have not changed your irrigation system water usage, yet you are still experiencing more expensive monthly bills, this may be the result of a system that’s leaking.
- Unusual water pressure: Broken valves, pumps, or pipes could be the culprit if the amount of water pressure your irrigation system emits is too high or low. Scheduling an irrigation repair service can help you get to the bottom of this problem.
- Patchy grass: If you begin to notice discoloration throughout your lawn, this could be a sign that you’re due for an irrigation repair service. Spots of brown or yellow, indicating uneven moisture throughout your yard, can often point to damage or a clog that’s not allowing water to reach certain areas of your property.
If you’re located in the Dallas, Texas area and are looking for irrigation repair, maintenance, or installation services, you can depend on our team of experts at Xscapes Irrigation and Landscapes Inc. to get the job done right!